We headed back east on Monday and made our first stop of the week in Baltimore, Maryland.
.@savemycarebus has arrived in #Baltimore! #SaveMyCare #ProtectOurCare pic.twitter.com/ThO5X0zpSX
— Health Care for All! (@HealthyMaryland) March 13, 2017
In Baltimore, we were joined by local representatives, health care advocates, and community members who receive health coverage through the Affordable Care Act.
We heard from speakers about how repealing the Affordable Care Act would impact the health of the Baltimore community — and also the state’s economy.
"Our state's economy can't afford repeal. In 2018, it would cost Maryland $2.2 billion."—@KM4MD kicking off our #SaveMyCare event pic.twitter.com/86SeaCFwGq
— Save My Care Bus (@savemycarebus) March 13, 2017
"The consequences of repeal for Marylanders is extraordinary."—@cfantoniohayes #SaveMyCare pic.twitter.com/BPt0pyrgsL
— Save My Care Bus (@savemycarebus) March 13, 2017
Watch our livestream from our Baltimore event here.