Under the AHCA, 1 in 6 people with preexisting conditions could be left without affordable health care. Last week we asked people to share their preexisting conditions on the #IAmAPreexistingCondition hashtag to put faces and names to this shocking statistic.
Check out ten of their stories, and share with any elected official who willfully ignores the impact of their support for the AHCA.
Everyone deserves healthcare they can afford. #iamapreexistingcondition #KeepUsCovered pic.twitter.com/2uZNvc0ItS
— OFNHP Local 5017 (@OFNHP) June 1, 2017
Why should the Senate #ProtectOurCare? Because #IAmAPreExistingCondition & we bet you are too! Let’s show them why to vote ‘NO’ on the #AHCA pic.twitter.com/GgHaHHdOzU
— Deeds Not Words (@_deedsnotwords) June 2, 2017
#IAmAPreexistingCondition pic.twitter.com/3zwYIogjvj
— Christopher wilson (@Tombstoner1) June 1, 2017
As a proud gay man, #Iamapreexistingcondition. Like millions, I'm celebrating #Pride by fighting for health care. Join me & #ProtectOurCare pic.twitter.com/c4EoxStAZd
— Conor Gaughan (@ckgone) June 1, 2017
#IAmAPreexistingCondition pic.twitter.com/TpefVS5ivB
— Stacy Sanders (@stacyjane1008) June 1, 2017
Women of color experience health disparities &poor health outcomes. #ProtectOurCare & ensure our health & dignity. #iamapreexistingcondition pic.twitter.com/IM2ho9D0Xb
— COLOR (@colorlatina) June 1, 2017
As women, the #AHCA discriminates against us, by jeopardizing essential health benefits and preventive care #iamapreexistingcondition pic.twitter.com/SNzX0l3N8l
— Madeline Twomey (@mad2me) June 1, 2017
KS nurses stand with their patients, profession, and community. @PatRoberts will you? #iamapreexistingcondition #AFTNHP2017 #ProtectOurCare pic.twitter.com/reoZmuDtP7
— Morteza Rabii (@MortezaRabii) June 1, 2017
Abby does so much for us. We fight repeal of Obamacare for #cancer survivors like her. #iamapreexistingcondition pic.twitter.com/sTOHAizrPv
— Families USA (@FamiliesUSA) June 1, 2017
My daughter has a genetic condition. I won’t stop fighting to #protectourcare on her behalf. #Iamapreexistingcondition #ProtectOurCare pic.twitter.com/gOzmQbtpkl
— National Partnership (@NPWF) June 1, 2017