Health CarePolicy

Senate Republicans just voted to repeal health care. But it’s still not over.

By Dec 2, 2017 No Comments

The Senate just voted to REPEAL health care, ripping health care coverage from 13 million Americans and slashing $25 BILLION from Medicare. After repeatedly failing to repeal the Affordable Care Act this year, Republicans snuck it into their tax plan hoping that you wouldn’t notice.

It’s not too late. We can still make a difference.

The House will have to vote on health repeal, and we need your help to stop them from passing it.

Call your Representative and tell them to oppose any tax plan that takes away health care: 202-499-6670

Here are a few reasons you can give your Representative for voting NO:

  • 13 million Americans would lose health care coverage if this tax bill is passed.
  • For middle class families, premiums would increase by nearly $2k.
  • Medicare would be slashed by $25 billion.
  • The GOP tax plan is one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation to come through Congress in three decades.
  • Millionaires and corporations would get tax breaks — and middle-class Americans would pay for it.

There is still time to stop this bill, but we need your urgent help. Can you call your House Member today? Tell them to vote no and stand up for middle-class Americans: 202-499-6670.