Tuesday was a cold day in Indianapolis, but Hoosiers know saving health care is worth the fight.
It's chilly out today in Indianapolis, but that didn't stop Hoosiers from coming out and fighting to #SaveMyCare. pic.twitter.com/b7FWfJrlLh
— Save My Care Bus (@savemycarebus) January 31, 2017
In Indianapolis, we met Kara, an adjunct professor at colleges and universities across Indiana. Kara is the first to admit that the Affordable Care Act helped save her life—and she shared her story with us.
“I did exactly what I was supposed to do.
I went to college, got a degree, and then I got a job with great benefits. I married my first husband, a union carpenter—and he had great benefits. We didn’t worry about a thing.
Then the recession hit. I lost my job, but wasn’t worried because I was insured through my husband’s workplace—but we found out that his health care was tied to the number of hours that he worked. When he stopped working in the bad economy, we stopped having health care.
So I went back to school and got a graduate degree. I found a job and a career that I loved as adjunct faculty. The problem was that they don’t offer benefits or job security.
The Affordable Care Act came along and saved me. I didn’t think much about it. I had a low deductible and low premiums. I felt like I was riding on air.
Then one day it happened. I was going between jobs and I was in a near fatal car accident. My legs were smashed—they were lacerated. I was on the edge of death. I was in the hospital recovering for a month.
If it weren’t for the Affordable Care Act, I might not have lived—and if I had lived, I definitely would have been broke forever. This is how people lose their savings. This is how people go into bankruptcy.”
Join Kara and share how the Affordable Care Act has impacted your life with us here.