
Wednesday in New Mexico

By Feb 16, 2017 February 17th, 2017 No Comments

In New Mexico, 266,000 residents would lose coverage if the Affordable Care Act is repealed—and on Wednesday, we met with folks across the state to say #SaveMyCare.

First stop? Las Cruces. There, we met Barbara, a small business owner, who went without health care for years before the Affordable Care Act was passed.

“Before I enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, I prayed every day to not suffer from a debilitating illness or injury. I have asthma and it is an expensive illness to treat. It’s considered a pre-existing condition, meaning that if it weren’t for the Affordable Care Act, I could be denied coverage or would have to pay a much higher premium.

Health insurance is intended to cover our medical and psychological needs should any of us have any issues. By repealing the Affordable Care Act, Congress will succeed in taking away that safety net from millions. We need this law to protect us and keep us healthy.”

Watch what happened in Las Cruces here.

Afterwards, we drove east to Albuquerque.

In Albuquerque, we met Kathleen and her son Walter. Kathleen shared how the Affordable Care Act helped her leave her relationship and become a small business owner, owning her own fashion line.

Listen to Kathleen’s story and hear from other New Mexicans about why they’re fighting to #SaveMyCare here.