
“Call your senators. Tell them not to repeal the ACA.”

By Jan 24, 2017 February 18th, 2017 No Comments

The Save My Care bus joined local lawmakers, health care professionals and advocates and impacted families in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, January 24th 2017.

In Allentown, we heard from Patrick Keenan, policy director at PA Health Access who discussed just how beneficial the Affordable Care Act has been for so many PA communities.

We also met Jody, a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Retired Americans, who reminded us just how critical the ACA has been for so many retired Americans:

“Repeal of the ACA is wrong and will put a lot of us in a terrible situation…Call your senators. Tell them not to repeal the ACA–everybody needs it.” -Jody


Check out the full Allentown event here.

Find out when our bus will be in a city near you here.

Listen to Jody and take action.