Health CareStories

Taking the Health Care Fight to Music City

By Feb 22, 2017 No Comments

526,000 Tennesseans will lose their health care if Congress repeals the Affordable Care Act. Today the Save My Care bus stopped at Centennial Park in Nashville, TN to hear from residents about what an ACA repeal would mean for them and their families.

Local lawmakers, activists, doctors, musical performers, and impacted families joined us on Wednesday to take a stand for the ACA to #SaveMyCare.

We were joined by a number of great live performers in Nashville. Annika Bennett opened up the event for us, and Andrew Leahey closed it out with a classic cover and a song dedicated to his wife. Check it out here.


We also heard from Nashville Vice Mayor David Briley who spoke about how the ACA benefits his life as well as the lives of many of his constituents:

“As an elected official, who is uninsurable because of a surgery about a year ago, it is wrong for our city, for our state, for our country, not to provide affordable, safe, quality healthcare to every person in our country.” – Vice Mayor Briley

Check out the full Nashville event here.

Find out when our bus will be in a city near you here.