Back in May, Jimmy Kimmel opened up about his infant son’s open heart surgery, and spoke out against attempts to repeal and replace the affordable care act. Afterwards, Senator Bill Cassidy went on his show, and coined the “Jimmy Kimmel Test” to lay out his values for a health care bill.
Months later, Bill Cassidy co-authors the most radical GOP repeal bill yet, and Jimmy Kimmel went back on his show to give his thoughts on Graham/Cassidy.
Bill Cassidy couldn’t even keep his promise in the bill he co-authored. But that isn’t stopping him from trying to jam through this cruel bill, and it didn’t stop several Republicans from lashing out at what Jimmy Kimmel had to say.
Jimmy didn’t appreciate that, either:
Graham/Cassidy doesn’t pass the Jimmy Kimmel Test. It doesn’t even pass the Bill Cassidy test. Under Graham/Cassidy, infants like Jimmy Kimmel’s son could be charged more for their preexisting conditions, and could face lifetime caps on coverage. Millions of families will be at risk of skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs if we don’t stop this bill from becoming law.
Watch the videos above, then call your senators and tell them to VOTE NO.