Health CareNews

What’s happening in the Senate?

By Jul 26, 2017 No Comments

Yesterday the Senate took the first step towards repealing health care and gutting health coverage for millions of people.

What did the Senate vote on earlier this week?

A motion to proceed to debate on health care repeal. It is a procedural vote required before the Senate can debate a bill. All but two Republican Senators—Senator Murkowski, and Senator Collins—broke their promises to protect health care and voted to proceed to debate, even though they had no idea what bill they would be debating.

What is “skinny repeal”?

Yesterday morning, Republicans started to talk about “skinny repeal.” They want us to think it is a less sinister version of repealing health care.

In reality, its far worse.

It will result in 15 million people losing insurance and premiums going up 20%. “Skinny repeal” is a classic bait and switch, meant to secure passage of something, anything, in the Senate.

Passing “skinny repeal” would allow the authors of the disastrous Senate health care bills, and the devastating House health care bill, to meet behind closed doors (again), in secret (again), to hammer out a bill that will cost millions of people their coverage, raise premiums, and put health care in a death spiral. The leaders of the repeal movement are openly talking about this being their plan:




What happens now?

Debate on health care repeal has begun. There will be a series of votes on amendments leading up to the final vote on health care repeal. That final vote could happen as soon as tomorrow night.

What can you do?
Call your senators. Demand that they fight to protect your health care, and the health care of those you love. Urge them to vote no on kicking 15 million or more people off health care, and raising health care premiums by 20%. Tell them to vote no on final passage of any repeal bill in the Senate.

Our voices have made an impact, and the fight to save our health care is far from over. Our community still stands strong, and ultimate passage of the legislation is by no means assured. We can still save our health care.


Here is a list of the Senators who voted to take the first step towards repealing health care yesterday.

Senator State
Lamar Alexander Tennessee
John Barrasso Wyoming
Roy Blunt Missouri
John Boozman Arkansas
Richard Burr North Carolina
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia
Bill Cassidy Louisiana
Thad Cochran Mississippi
Bob Corker Tennessee
John Cornyn Texas
Tom Cotton Arkansas
Mike Crapo Idaho
Ted Cruz Texas
Steve Daines Montana
Mike Enzi Wyoming
Joni Ernst Iowa
Deb Fischer Nebraska
Jeff Flake Arizona
Cory Gardner Colorado
Lindsay Graham South Carolina
Chuck Grassley Iowa
Orrin Hatch Utah
Dean Heller Nevada
John Hoeven North Dakota
Jim Inhofe Oklahoma
Johnny Isakson Georgia
Ron Johnson Wisconsin
John Kennedy Louisiana
James Lankford Oklahoma
Mike Lee Utah
John McCain Arizona
Mitch McConnell Kentucky
Jerry Moran Kansas
Rand Paul Kentucky
David Perdue Georgia
Rob Portman Ohio
Jim Risch Idaho
Pat Roberts Kansas
Mike Rounds South Dakota
Marco Rubio Florida
Ben Sasse Nebraska
Tim Scott South Carolina
Richard Shelby Alabama
Luther Strange Alabama
Dan Sullivan Alaska
John Thune South Dakota
Thom Tillis North Carolina
Pat Toomey Pennsylvania
Roger Wicker Mississippi
Todd Young Indiana












































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