Health Care


By Jun 1, 2017 July 17th, 2017 No Comments

1 in 6 people living with preexisting conditions could be left without affordable health care under the AHCA. Today, we’re putting faces, names, and stories to this statistic by sharing our preexisting conditions using the hashtag #IAmAPreexistingCondition.

Here’s how you can participate:

Step 1: Create a sign that includes your preexisting condition, or the preexisting condition you are concerned about. You can download and print a sign template here.

Step 2: Take a photo of yourself holding the sign.

Step 3: Post the photo on social media using the #IAmAPreExistingCondition hashtag.

The AHCA will make it more difficult and much more expensive for those who may need health care the most to get coverage. We do not know how members of Congress can support such cruelty, but today, we’re going to make sure they see the real impact behind the statistic that too many willingly ignore.

You can still support this effort if you do not have a preexisting condition. Share a message of support on Twitter, or check out the #IAmAPreexistingCondition hashtag and share the posts of others.