The Trump administration has been sabotaging the Affordable Care Act since the early months of his presidency. Working with Republicans in Congress, they have made attempt after attempt to damage our health care, from raising premiums to gutting protections.
Last week, Politico published a document that outlines their road map to sabotage:
- Slash Open Enrollment: They cut the period for people to sign-up for health care in half – and decreased the advertising budget by nearly 90%.
- Roll Back Essential Health Benefits: They diminished essential health benefits and attempted to gut protection for people with preexisting conditions.
- Protect the Individual Market: This, in turn, allowed insurers to structure pricing for health benefits and raise premiums on Americans.
Within the first year of Trump’s presidency, 3.3 million more people are uninsured. This is the largest increase of Americans without insurance since the ACA was enacted.
And they haven’t finished. Now, President Trump nominated Alex Azar as director of Health and Human Services, who will continue the war on health care heading into the new year.