NEW FOR TAX DAY: TV Ad Shows How the TrumpTax Increases Health Care Costs
Americans Face More Expensive Care While Insurance & Drug Companies Reap Rewards
Washington, D.C. – Ahead of Tax Day, Save My Care today launched a TV ad highlighting how the TrumpTax makes health care more expensive for hardworking Americans in order to fund huge tax breaks for pharmaceutical and health insurance companies. The ad will air on cable news in Washington, D.C. and New York City through Tuesday.
“The TrumpTax punishes hardworking Americans by raising health insurance premiums even higher. While health care gets more expensive for people who work for a living, big pharmaceutical and health insurance companies are reaping the rewards with billions in tax breaks,” said Save My Care Campaign Chairman Leslie Dach. “Every American who sees their health care premiums go up should know that the Trump Tax is one of the biggest reasons.”
The ad will air in New York City and the D.C. area during a number of cable news shows, including President Trump’s preferred program, Fox & Friends. The buy begins this morning during Morning Joe.
On Tax Day, there’s something about Donald Trump’s new tax plan that Republicans don’t want you to know.
The TrumpTax rewards big pharmaceutical and health insurance companies with billions in tax breaks. But it makes working people pay the price with their health care.
It forces premiums up ten percent every year.
And now Republicans say they’ll even slash Medicaid and Medicare to fund it.
All to give a $1.5 trillion tax break to the riches one percent and biggest corporations.
They pay less. You pay more.
Happy Tax Day.