The AHCA will gut Medicaid by $880 billion dollars. What does that really mean? Check out the ten tweets below to find out; and make sure you read to the end for one very important question we need to ask ourselves.
TrumpCare cuts Medicaid by $880 billion and 14 million people on the program will lose coverage. Candidate Trump, any comments?
— shauna (@goldengateblond) May 4, 2017
A1: Medicaid provides coverage for low-income moms & kids, pregnant women, people w/disabilities, & the elderly. #ProtectMedicaid
— MomsRising (@MomsRising) May 18, 2017
A2 The House bill cuts Medicaid to give wealthy & corporations huge tax break #ProtectMedicaid
— Families USA (@FamiliesUSA) May 18, 2017
On avg 55,000 more ppl in each Congressional district would be uninsured under #Trumpcare. See #s for your district:
— CAP Health (@CAP_Health) March 21, 2017
We need serious solutions to fight the opioid crisis. Cutting Medicaid is a non-starter and would worsen the epidemic. #AHCA
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) May 16, 2017
Half of Americans on #Medicaid are kids. Under #AHCA, kids will get significantly worse health care.
— Save My Care (@SaveMyCare) May 18, 2017
A vote for the GOP health care plan is a vote against children with special needs. #VoteNoAHCA
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) May 4, 2017
2/3 schools use #Medicaid to pay school nurses & social workers. #Trumpcare will take away $43 billion of those funds from our children.
— Senator Cortez Masto (@SenCortezMasto) May 18, 2017
Survey finds people with #Medicaid have better access to care than the uninsured & have fewer medical bill problems
— Commonwealth Fund (@commonwealthfnd) May 10, 2017
We need to ask ourselves what kind of people cut $880 billion from Medicaid and go on TV and say they just improved it?
— Andy Slavitt (@ASlavitt) May 7, 2017