Health CareNews

We Did It

By Sep 26, 2017 No Comments

This afternoon, Senate Republicans announced there would be no vote on the devastating Graham/Cassidy health care repeal bill. The announcement came after weeks of more than one hundred health care organizations, countless health care experts, and millions of concerned Americans standing united, in opposition to the dangerous and cruel bill.

Because of your hard work—your calls, messages, and staunch opposition—millions of Americans can rest easier tonight, knowing another attempt to cut their coverage, raise their out of pocket health care costs, and gut Medicaid has been defeated.

Thanks to you, we won this round. But the fight isn’t over yet.

President Trump is still doing everything in his power to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Whether it’s cutting the advertising and education budgets for ACA enrollment, or slashing funding for “navigators.” And Vice President Pence still says ACA repeal is a matter of “when,” not “if.” They aren’t stopping their attempts to destroy our health care system, so we must remain vigilant and ready to respond.

Share this post with your friends and family to thank them for their hard work and remind them to keep fighting.